Hi friends!! My good friend Isabela and I signed up for the NYC Marathon and joined the team RUN FOR AUTISM to raise $3,000 for autism awareness and research. RUN FOR AUTISM is Organization for Autism Research's team for the marathon. OAR's mission is to apply research to the challenges of autism. That includes answering questions in search of positive outcomes in areas like education, communication, self-care, social skills, employment, behavior, and adult and community living.
As a high school teacher, I get to work with and see students with autism graduate every year. Their perseverance and drive toward their future is inspiring.
Here are some of the ways that OAR uses the funds raised by the RUN FOR AUTISM team:
$10 provides a Curriculum in a Box professional development set to general education teachers. $100 provides the Kit for Kids peer education resource to an entire elementary or middle school. $1,000 provides a research grant for a graduate student studying autism. $3,000 provides a scholarship for a student with autism to attend college.
Please help support by making a contribution & sharing with friends/family!
Thank you!!!❤️
Isabela and I finishing up the Houston Marathon in 2022 - Hope to be smiling this big in November 🤩