Hi! My name is Anna Frost. My husband, Ryan, and I have 3 children, Lochlann (18), Laney (6) and Ty (3). Our 6 year old daughter, Laney, has Autism. She was diagnosed when she was 2. Everyday is a challenge for her, especially with her communication. She just started saying a handful of words, recently. The everyday, normal things that a typical child can do so easily, are the hardest for Laney, such as, Communicating, holding utensils to eat, holding a crayon, getting herself dressed, insomnia, and the list goes on. As parents, it’s the worst feeling in the world to know you can’t “fix” what’s wrong with your child immediately. That’s why we have chosen to run the Chicago marathon and run for autism, to help raise as much money as we can for research, so that more and more resources can become available to help other families like ours. Laney is perfect in our eyes and we know God does not make mistakes, but anything that can help make her life easier, for her sake, we will do anything to make sure she gets it. She is the strongest person I know. She doesn’t have a choice but to work hard every single minute of every single day. Running 26.2 miles is nothing compared to the work she puts in. Laney inspires our entire family everyday, to work hard, pray hard and to never, ever give up. Quitting isn’t an option.