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Susannah's Fundraising Page

Susannah Mills

Susannah Mills

Please help me by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Organization for Autism Research's great cause!

Dear Family and Friends,

I am running my first-ever Chicago marathon in October of 2025 to raise money for the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). I chose this organization because my sons have ADD which shares many of the same symptoms as autism. My three sons are incredible boys who bring so much joy to our lives. They’re fun, caring, loving, hard-working and energetic, and I’m so proud of them. They love swimming, running, playing musical instruments, and reading.

Two of my sons attend a special education school that focuses on accommodating students with language-based learning disorders, including ADD/ADHD. Since they were young, they have had assessments, tests, concerned teacher conferences, all trying to figure out how to support our boys in their learning. The pursuit of “an answer” has been exhausting and frankly inconclusive. They are wonderful, caring, smart and talented kids who have trouble focusing. They maintain tremendous focus on their interests and favorite activities, but ADD is prevalent throughout their report cards and evaluations. I want to make sure that they’re supported in school and have everything they need from us to learn in school and pursue a life that they are passionate about.

We support our sons in music, sports activities, specialized therapies, as well as extra assessments, evaluations and a special education school for students with language-based learning challenges. The summary of each and every report indicates there is no final answer or perfect solution and I feel like the target "goal posts" are always moving. While the target goal of running a marathon is crossing the finish line, the path to get there is ever changing, strenuous and challenging, much like the path my sons are on in their academic growth. My background has been in competitive rowing and now I'm going for a new marathon goal! I can model consistency, hard work and focus on my training program but I will never be in their shoes. Their determination and courage inspire me every day, and I’m running this marathon for them and others like them.

Recently, I read an article in Triathlete magazine about the prevalence of ADHD and autism among triathletes and how those traits make them excellent competitors. This article also included a diagram showing the overlap of symptoms between ADHD and Autism. Seeing that diagram, I realized that I wanted to raise money for an organization focused on supporting kids with similar challenges as mine. Many people aren’t aware of what is considered autism today, and OAR provides more education about the diagnosis.

I hope you might consider making a donation to help me reach my $2,000 fundraising commitment and support Autism research.

Referenced article:

1 in 36 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism. By joining the RUN FOR AUTISM team, I am supporting OAR’s mission to fund research and resources that help people with autism and their families today.

Here are some of the ways that OAR uses the funds raised by the RUN FOR AUTISM team:

$10 provides a Curriculum in a Box professional development set to general education teachers.
$25 provides 15 copies of A Guide to Safety to families and first responders.
$100 provides the Kit for Kids peer education resource to an entire elementary or middle school.
$150 provides 100 copies of a Life Journey through Autism guidebook sent to a community support group or military installation.
$1,000 provides a research grant for a graduate student studying autism.
$3,000 provides a scholarship for a student with autism to attend college.
$50,000 fully underwrites an applied research pilot study.


raised of $2,000 goal


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