Puzzles On The Run


Our 2024 United Airlines NYC Half Team Page

Puzzles On The Run
Please help our team support Organization for Autism Research by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar we raise will advance Organization for Autism Research's great cause! 

1 in 36 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism. By joining the RUN FOR AUTISM team, you’re supporting OAR’s mission to fund research and resources that help people with autism and their families today.

Here are some of the ways that OAR uses the funds raised by the  RUN FOR AUTISM  team:

$10 provides a Curriculum in a Box professional development set to general education teachers.
$25 provides 15 copies of A Guide to Safety to families and first responders.
$100 provides the Kit for Kids peer education resource to an entire elementary or middle school.
$150 provides 100 copies of a Life Journey through Autism guidebook sent to a community support group or military installation.
$1,000 provides a research grant for a graduate student studying autism.
$3,000 provides a scholarship for a student with autism to attend college.
$50,000 fully underwrites an applied research pilot study.


raised of $500 goal

5 Fundraisers

Join Our Team

Recent Donations

Nicholas Krebs$100
Dan Rubino$40
Congratulations !!! You did it !!!
Samantha Brigandi$50
Heather Santacreu$25
Good Luck!
Marjorie MC mahon$25
God bless you
Margy Barker
For a great cause !
Arlene &Terry O'Malley$25
Thomas Arcuri$25
Joe Boccio$100
Celi Delgado$10
Best of luck!
Matt and Lisa$20
Go Ali!!
RoseAnn Gibbons$10
Gail Agostinacchio$25
Amy Zalenski
Tim Cestaro$100
Melissa Law$25
Nana & Bob$50
Good luck Ali Girl!! ❤️
Staci Staci$25
Nichole Nichole$25
Jim Oliveri$25
Anne Kisla$25
Supporting you.. thank you for doing this…
Jen santos$25
Good luck!!
Mills family Mike Jen Leanne & Avery$100
Kick some butt Ali!! You got this! We love you guys 🩵Anthony🩵
Meghan Terracciano$25
Jennifer Finkelman$25
Good luck!!!🍀
Alissa Kondrup$50
God bless Xoxo 💙
Catherine Jurgens$25
For Anthony …. Run Ali, runnnn! 🖤
Steven Goldstein$10
Because I wanted to do something sweet for you. They happen to have trained a lot of people with autism, and something that I would love to help contribute too anytime I can
Cindy ohalloran$50
Run Ali Run!
Samantha Brigandi$50
Becky Robbins
Zac Estrella$10
Zac Estrella$10
Meghan McCarthy$25
Casey Kate & Riley$50
Go Ali! ❤️
Brian Graham$10
From the SCPC
Kim bruno$25
good luck
Laura & Eric$25
You got this!!
Facebook Donations$460
Nidhi Bansal$25
Great job and good luck!
Good luck!
Vicki Hensley
You are doing such an amazing thing! Good luck!
Brendan Finnerty$25
Best of luck on the run!
Laurie Cameron$50
You go girl!!!
Andrianna Thompson$25
Paul Hawkins$250
Good luck to you and thanks!!!
Brian Graham$50
Janet Buchbinder$25
Such a worthy cause! Good luck!
Laurie Drew$25
Janice Drew
Run, Bran! 🏃🏻
Alex Bloom$100
Robert Chang
Leslie Perles$25
Such a worth while cause! You will be great! Love aunt Leslie and uncle Roy
ally c$25
🩷 u
Apollonia Conigliaro$25
Jeff Woo$100
christiana vazquez$50
So proud of you!
Christina Natale$25
You got this❤️
good luck!
Maria Bologna
Felix Rodriguez$25
Demetria Coutsoukes$25
So proud of you! Love Dem ♥︎
Alexander Vaiman$90
Joshua Gregory Vaiman$25
You got this! Love you!
Taylor O’Halloran$75
Bout to be a running queen 👑
jackie casey$25
Good luck Kassidy!
Debi Cunn$50
Go Ali have a great run for a great cause
Michael Vagle$100
Catherine Jurgens$10
You got this! 🫶
Jennifer Boccio$100
So proud of you! ❤️
Suzanne Weber$25
Go Ali!! ❤️
Madison O’Halloran
Run Ali run
Mike Springer$25
Good Luck!
Dolly Carrington$50
Go Karen! 💗
April Walsh$50
Sean Rainey$50
Nick Krebs$100
Kass we are so proud of you. We love you